# Welcome

Welcome to the documentation for the easyroam API

easyroam is a free extension to the eduroam® service for members of the German research network (DFN), that provides EAP-TLS authentication in eduroam® through the DFN-AAI. This sub-site documents the usage of our API for projects of your own. As our API changes over time, so does this document. We always try to give advance notice of significant changes through our mailing list (easyroam@listserv.dfn.de).

# Acceptable Use Policy

Our API is free and open to use by every Institution that is a member of the DFN and that participates in the easyroam program. If you would like to participate in the easyroam program please follow the instructions on: https://doku.tid.dfn.de/de:eduroam:easyroam-regelbetrieb (German only). Additionally projects that want to use the easyroam API must satisfy the following:

  1. You MUST credit the DFN in the form of a logo and/or a link to https://dfn.de.
  2. You MUST NOT run ads and/or paid service on your website/app.

The rule of thumb is that you may not have any advertisement (digital marketing that is intentionally sent or displayed to users) at all on your platform, nor may you sell access to anything provided by the easyroam API.

# Questions and Issues

# Security Issues

If you believe, that you have found a security issue please contact us privately as soon as possible at easyroam@dfn.de.
If you are unsure, please contact us anyway. We prefer a false-positive than something coming our way endangering our users' privacy. Additionally, please keep it in private until you get a response from us.

# Bug reports

Please read the documentation carefully and double-check the request you are sending us. If you are sure that you have found a bug in our API then congratulations, please report it to us (easyroam@dfn.de) so we can fix it.

Every HTTP response from our services has a X-Request-ID header with a value unique to the request-response that was handled. Please provide it to us when reporting the bug. If your request has a body, please also provide it.

# I need help/I have a question

Please read the documentation first, and then a second time. Someone in the community might've already solved your problem, so it might be faster to ask on the mailing list (eduroam-d@listserv.dfn.de). If you still can't figure it out feel free to write us an email (easyroam@dfn.de). However we're all busy people and general questions don't have a high priority for us, so it might take some time for us to get back to you.